Thursday, July 03, 2008

Introduction to Sarawak' fruits~~

Few days a ago,i told my friend go cut tarab 头,because he had desperated recently...what a sad story....T.T Then he asked asked me what is tarab 头!!!
xD Originally people in west m"sia duno what is buah tarab. aduh~~what a sakai~ness

i think west m'sia doesn't have such fruit. And as i know, west m'sia also didn't have what we called “山榴莲” Maybe got, just my friend don know about it.not so sure...cause my friend a bit noob. i dun know.but i;m going introduce to him. so in one , i introduce them to those west m'sia fellow.
here is the looks of buah tarap;
buah tarap >>>whole look of buah tarap
looks greenny~~

This fruits feel sweet, nice and yummy~~not expensive, as i know it cost about RM5 or 6 for a normal size(football' size)

and here is the looks of some species of 山榴莲;


we normally called this >>>buka its different from 山榴莲。
this kind of durian are different tasted as the normal durian we buy at market(D24....)
it feels sweet and some like a smell like "alchohol"??? xD cant descibe it by words...^.^

This is all what are special from sarawak...of course, this is just the minor part of the special-ness xD and hope west m'sia fellows could knows more about sarawak.

here, i also want to acknowledge west m'sia fellow that we sarawakian are not living on the top of trees.

if really living on top there we also living in the house looks like this xD

hUng' feature house xD

1 comment:

vinesandspines said...

where do i get seeds of that red fleshed durian?
I grow exotic fruits in south florida as a hobby.

Do you see other exotic fruits in the sarawak markets? i hear miri marketplace has all sorts of great things.